
The contest is only open to residents of Canada who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. No entry fee or purchase necessary to enter. The contest is void where prohibited by law, or where the registration or filing requirements of any province or local jurisdiction have not been complied with. The contest is not open to employees or affiliates of Soprano Handbags & Accessories (hereafter called “Soprano”).

Entry and Privacy

Entrant has to follow the instructions of the contest, and fulfill all entry eligibility requirements.  Where applicable, all required fields on the contest signup form must be fully completed. Soprano respects your right to privacy.  Any personal information collected from entrants, including but not limited to email addresses, will only be used for the contest and for any notifications in regard to the contest.

Winner Selection

Within 5 business days after the conclusion of the contest, Soprano will draw a winner at random from eligible entrants. The draw is totally random by the current industry standard.


The winner will be contacted directly by email for shipping address. If said winner does not reply within two weeks (14 days), their prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be randomly selected. By entering the contest drawing, the winner grants Soprano explicit permission to disclose his/her name. 


Winner of the contest is eligible to win only the prize specified by Soprano for the contest entrant registers to win. If the prize specified has become unavailable, an available, in-stock item of equal or lesser value may be substituted solely at the discretion of Soprano. Prize may not be returned unless proven to be defective, and may not be exchanged or redeemed for cash in part or in full.


Soprano is not liable for any losses, damages, or claims caused by or resulting from the contest or acceptance of the prize; and will not be responsible and will void any entries that are lost, late, illegible, incomplete, falsified, or destroyed.  Soprano is not responsible for any failure of the contest website and does not assume any responsibility for incorrect or inaccurate interpretation of entry information.  Soprano reserves the right to terminate or amend the contest and/or rules at any given time without prior notice.